And then I started my blog on that subject... and sure enough the issue arises as to where a report should go, this blog or that. I've just begun something sculptural, because it's going in the garden, the other blog wins. Here's a link to the story. The story over there will explain that the indigo is from the photoshop air brush, to see whether that's appropriate.
at last I realised that a creative moment didn't mean having to set up or join a committee ... ... how nice!
11 June 2013
This blog reflected my main distractions from whatever else I thought I should be doing over the last several years. I remained conscious that I was not recording one important area of my thoughts—on sustainable living and building a food forest in the suburbs.
I scribbled this for John Menadue's blog this morning. A feast of new reading 3. We just need a few tools and guide posts for what w...
I have made a comment on an opinion piece at Project Syndicate which argued "Why China won't Rule" The article concluded: ...